Friday, April 10, 2009

The Next Right Thing?

Why... oh why... do we tell newcomers to just do the next right thing and then unleash them upon the world?

Our literature tells us on Page 87, paragraph 1: "Being still inexperienced and having just made conscious contact with God, it is not probable that we are going to be inspired at all times. We might pay for this presumption in all sorts of absurd actions and ideas."

Thought - how many newcomers do I know who've actually made a conscious contact with whatever God they understand? I sit in a noon meeting where we often begin by introducing ourselves with our sobriety date and better than 3/4 of forty odd folks have less than a year of not drinking, somewhat quality dry and sober time. Later on, during the sharing, perhaps half pass - more pass when the topic is a Step.

And we have the audacity to tell them "just do the next right thing?"

If any of us were able to do the next right thing don't we think that would have been to not pick up the next drink of alcohol continuing to destroy those we love? Certainly that would have been the next right thing!

Powerlessness. I've lost the power of choice when it comes to drinking alcohol. When it comes to drinking alcohol I'm incapable of doing "the next right thing!" Why do we think these new folks are different?

Or is it our need to sound good and sound profound that drives this insanity?


  1. I often do not know what is the "next right thing." That's why I have a sponsor!

  2. I hear that Steve - but - you're one of those "ancient" oldtimers who had it passed on to you the way it was passed on to me... :~)

    Nowadaze (sic) I hear folks who ARE SPONSORS telling people to "just do the next right thing" because that's what has been passed on to them! and i want 2 puke...
