Thursday, April 16, 2009

G.roup O.f D.runks?

More that I can identify with from "Came To Believe."

Pgs. 86-87;
"It took some time for my guides to get me to talk to God through prayer. Before then, I used the Fellowship of A.A. and the people in it as my higher power. They were real, compassionate, and understanding, and they made me feel welcome. But my distorted sense of justice told me there was no reason for God to forgive me, so I still felt ashamed and guilty when His name was mentioned."
And... distorted I was, along with ashamed and guilty. In following years came;
"I had to have something bigger to tie to. The Fellowship as a higher power just was not enough."
Now, many years later, another truth has emerged for the same reasons.
"I have developed an enormous faith in God. He is good. My understanding is that everything He sends my way is for my benefit. But the growth of this understanding has taken time, as well as a relinquishing of my resistance to change. I needed the trials and tribulations I have had, so that I could surrender and give up self. Only in complete acceptance of the utter defeat of my pride and ego could I begin to win."
As Fr. Tom might say - this is one that has yet to make the longest trip there is - the twelve inches from my brain to my heart...


  1. Eventually, these truths began coming at me like machine gun bullets. So fast, there was no way to dodge them...

  2. That 12 inch trip is not volitional. You cannot make it happen.

  3. :) - You made me look that up, and I should have known it... and... you are so right.

    Thankfully, I understand and will continue to work at it.

    Appreciate it MC.
