Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is The Puke On Your Shoes Dry Yet?

This was one I had the opportunity to hear happen live...

Happily, I've read Pammie's post about when a newcomer ought to be working the Steps. She brought back this memory.

I was attending a meeting in Mastic, LI, NY one evening and a newcomer had asked when would be a good time to start working the 12 Steps. Tony AA (25 years at the time) responded by asking her his own question;

Is the puke on your shoes dry yet?

Because it is never to early to begin working the Twelve Steps!

[Image from Wikipedia Commons]

1 comment:

  1. Me (looking at shoes): "So THAT'S what that stuff is. I thought it was dried cowshit." My, these shoes are getting old. Here I go barefoot most of the time, except when 'riding'.

    Song: "When My Old Wedding Shoes Were New..."
